Platforms & Offers

Step #2 – Platforms and Offers

Did you know 98% of businesses DO NOT follow up or market to PROSPECTIVE buyers! If you’re a business ignoring prospective buyers, you’re making a big mistake that is costing you a lot of sales.

A To Z Buyers

Most businesses only focus on marketing to Z scale buyers. We call them Z scale buyers because they’re at the end of the buying process. They’re done shopping and are ready to buy right now.

While Z scale buyers will increase your bottom line, you’re losing a ton of sales if you don’t also market to A to Y scale buyers. These buyers have an interest in what you offer, but they’re still shopping around and haven’t decided to buy just yet.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to grow your sales is to market to all A to Z prospects on the buying scale.

Increasing Sales With Offers

Step two of the Four Step Marketing involves determining the right platforms where you’ll deliver free offers to A to Z scale buyers. Well, they’re not totally free — your prospects will exchange their contact information for your free offer.

Once you have their contact information, you can follow up with them, marketing to them throughout the entire buying process. You’ll take them from prospect to customer, and then from customer to repeat customer for life.

Your free offer doesn’t have to be expensive to produce, it just needs to provide information A to Z prospects will find valuable enough to give you their contact information for it.

Free offers might be a CD, DVD, coupon, report, podcast, or anything else valuable to your prospects.

For example, you might promote a free 24 hour recorded message in a classified ad, or offer a free coupon in a direct mail letter, free book from your website, or free podcast on iTunes.

Maximizing Your ROI

In addition to identifying platforms and creating free offers, step two also involves split testing that will tell us the platforms and offers that perform best. This gives us the power to really increase your conversion rates for an outstanding return on investment.

Drip Marketing

After developing your offers, implementing split testing, and defining the best platforms for reaching your target audience, we create a follow up drip marketing campaign. By following up with your A to Z prospects with marketing that engages and educates them, we take them through the entire buying process, converting them from prospects into customers.

You’re not finished with your prospects once they buy from you with drip marketing. We simply move them to a new drip marketing campaign that converts them into raving fans and repeat customers for life.

Are You Ready To Get Started?

In step one of the Four Step Marketing, you develop the right message so prospects choose you over your competition regardless of price. In step two, you create offers to attract A to Z prospects to your database where you continue to market to them with a drip marketing campaign that converts them into buyers and repeat customers.

You’ve already accomplished a lot by step two, and you’re only halfway through learning about the Four Step Marketing Method. If you’d like more in depth information, enter your information into our opt-in form to instantly download our free reports:

  • The Four Marketing Steps Guaranteed To Triple Your Sales
  • Why Most Businesses Fail
  • Why Every Business Must Use A Marketing Funnel

We also invite you to give us a call toll free at # for a free 30 minute no obligation marketing consultation to learn more about how Four Step Marketing can grow your sales.

It’s important that you market to every prospect involved in the buying process to really boost your bottom line. That’s the goal of step two.

Ready to learn about step three of the Four Step Marketing Method? Click to learn how to add effective weapons to your Marketing Arsenal.

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